EasyDMARC Integrates with ConnectWise | EasyDMARC

EasyDMARC Integrates with ConnectWise Through Invent Program

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ConnectWise integration

EasyDMARC, a vendor of the all-in-one email security and deliverability platform, announced the completion of all necessary security certifications as required by ConnectWise, the world’s leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers. To directly integrate with ConnectWise APIs and platform through Invent, integrators must pass an independent security review that ensures their integration is safe and secure. 

The ConnectWise Invent program is a robust and secure integration program for third-party software providers (TSPs) seeking to merge their solutions with groundbreaking software from ConnectWise. The program strives to support TSPs globally in growing their businesses by harnessing the power of innovative technologies and by fostering mutual productivity, including Tier 1 integration support from ConnectWise. 

This collaboration and integration through the ConnectWise Invent program will help EasyDMARC to simplify DMARC management for MSPs. This strategic partnership comes at a crucial time, as Google and Yahoo have mandated DMARC for bulk senders, presenting significant monetization opportunities for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). By connecting EasyDMARC and ConnectWise, MSPs can sync billable products, align Domain Groups and Companies for simplified and accurate billing, and have EasyDMARC alerts automatically create detailed tickets in ConnectWise for quick issue resolution and improved efficiency.

“Joining the ConnectWise Marketplace marks a significant milestone for EasyDMARC’s MSP Partner Program. This advanced integration will empower MSPs to deliver advanced email security solutions and simplify their operations, all while tapping into new revenue streams,” said Gerasim Hovhannisyan, CEO at EasyDMARC.

For more information on the EasyDMARC, visit: https://marketplace.connectwise.com/easydmarc

Integrators work closely with the ConnectWise API team to create integration roadmaps, for comprehensive support throughout the development process, and to become certified. Upon certification, third-party integrators in the Invent program gain access to an array of valuable resources, useful tools, and additional benefits. To learn more and to enroll in the Invent program as a third-party integrator, contact [email protected]. 

This application uses the ConnectWise API but is not a ConnectWise product or service and is licensed separately from ConnectWise products and services. The term ‘ConnectWise’ is a trademark of ConnectWise, LLC.


EasyDMARC is a cloud-native B2B SaaS solution that addresses email security and deliverability problems with just a few clicks. For Managed Service Providers seeking to increase their revenue, EasyDMARC presents an ideal solution. The email authentication platform streamlines domain management, providing capabilities such as organizational control, domain grouping, and access management. 

Additionally, EasyDMARC offers a comprehensive sales and marketing enablement program designed to boost DMARC sales. All of these features are available for MSPs on a scalable platform with a flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model.

About ConnectWise

ConnectWise is the world’s leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers (TSPs) through unmatched software, services, community, and marketplace of integrations. ConnectWise offers an innovative, integrated, and security-centric platform—Asio™—which provides unmatched flexibility that fuels profitable, long-term growth for partners. ConnectWise enables TSPs to drive business efficiency with automation, IT documentation, and data management capabilities and increase revenue with remote monitoring, cybersecurity, and backup and disaster recovery technologies. For more information, visit connectwise.com

Digital Marketing Specialist | EasyDMARC
Anush is a firm believer in the potential of PR to spread cybersecurity awareness worldwide, and she is on a fantastic journey to make that happen!
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