Aggregate Reports GeoMaps
DMARC Aggregate Reports GeoMaps
The new Aggregate GeoMaps tool provides you an interactive world map to see the visualization of your email sending traffic distribution by country. We analyze and display the distribution of DMARC Compliance, Non-Compliance, Threats, and Forwarded emails’ locations in each country and region.
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What is Aggregate GeoMaps?
Aggregate reports contain information about groups of email messages. EasyDMARC automatically analyzes these reports and sends you important notifications and alerts. Our new Aggregate GeoMaps tool analyzes and displays your email sending traffic distribution by location, and presents it on a world map.
With this tool, you can visually see the distribution of DMARC Compliance, Non-Compliance, Threats, and Forwarded emails’ locations in each country and region. It’s convenient to mine deeper information and make better decisions.