Email List Validation: Why You Need It | EasyDMARC

Email List Validation: Why You Need It

7 Min Read
Illustration showing valid email list depicted as green tick.

Digital marketing has seen some dramatic changes through the years. New trends keep arising while others pass into oblivion. But there’s a channel far from new that remains one of the most popular and fruitful communication methods for marketers. You guessed it! We’re talking about email marketing.


But to succeed in email marketing, you need a healthy list of email contacts. How do you know whether you have one of those? Email list validation is the answer. It’s a key component of every successful email marketing campaign and an essential email security tip all businesses should follow. In this guide, you’ll learn everything there is to know about email list validation and why you need it for safe and effective email marketing.

What is Email List Validation?

Before diving into the reasons to use it, let’s kick things off with a definition. As the name implies, email list validation verifies that the email addresses in your contact database are valid and linked to an existing inbox. Email list validation tools enable you to remove unsafe, unsubscribed, invalid, or inactive email addresses that negatively affect your sender reputation and deliverability rates. 

With such a tool, you can ensure you send email campaigns to valid and relevant contacts that convert into customers. This process helps you save time and resources while making your email marketing as effective as possible. Now let’s see why you should invest in an email list validation tool. 

5 Reasons You Need Email List Validation for Effective Email Marketing

Email marketing professionals have focused on generating as many leads as possible for years. Every guide analyzed how to build an email list and make it all the more populated. Fortunately, we know better now. The money is indeed on the list, but to be impactful, it’s about quality over quantity.

It’s about collecting high-quality leads who want to hear your business news and nurturing them from day one to build trusting and long-term relationships. Email list validation ultimately comes down to sanitizing your contact database to protect, enhance, and optimize your email marketing efforts. Without further ado, let’s detail the major benefits of email list validation. 

Protects Your Sender Reputation

Internet service providers (ISPs) use your sender reputation to determine whether your emails are legitimate or spam. Sender reputation scores prevent unwanted emails from overcrowding recipients’ inboxes. The higher those scores are, the better the chances your emails reach the desired mailboxes. 

Many factors could affect your sender score, such as:

  • The number of recipients marking your emails as spam.
  • The number of email bounces or unsubscribes that occur. 
  • Percentage of your emails that are blocked by email servers or spam filters.
  • The number of emails sent during a specific period.
  • The existence of email authentication standards (DMARC, SPF, and DKIM).

Having invalid or low-quality email addresses in your lists can damage your sender’s reputation and, ultimately, your marketing efforts and sales. So, invest in an email validation tool to clean up your email list.

How else can you minimize invalid addresses or uninterested subscribers and protect your sender reputation – by creating a double opt-in subscription process. Through it, recipients give their consent to join your email list. It’s also crucial to optimize your email marketing efforts with relevant and regular content. When your emails are infrequent or irrelevant, your recipients are more likely to mark them as spam or hit the unsubscribe button.

Saves You Money and Time

Your emails must land in the right inboxes and capture the right eyeballs to achieve the return on investment (ROI) you expect from email marketing. Maintaining an extensive contact database and regularly dispatching email content can become counterproductive, even for savvy marketers. But let the numbers speak for themselves. 

Imagine you have a list of 5,000 contacts, 2,000 of them being fake or inactive for too long. Think of the money you’d be wasting on emails that won’t even be delivered. That’s lost money you could spend on other marketing activities. Not to mention that most email marketing software charges according to the email sends or the number of contacts. 

By carrying out email list validation, you’ll remove unwanted addresses from your list and reduce its size. This results in sending emails to fewer people or, at least, more emails to those more interested in reading them. What does that mean? You save money, time, and effort while gaining qualified leads with high levels of engagement. 

Reduces Bounce Rates and Spam Complaints

A bounce rate is the percentage of emails that don’t get delivered. This mainly occurs because recipients provide invalid, fake, or disposable email addresses to access a piece of content or get a discount code.

Bounces may also occur due to legitimate addresses that are no longer active. This doesn’t only affect your sender reputation but could also lead to blacklisting. Most email clients have a bounce rate threshold that serves to protect inboxes. Beyond that threshold, the chances of your emails ending up in the spam folder increase. 

A solid validation process helps you reduce your bounce rate and safely engage subscribers. Over and above address verification, most email list validation services perform real-time checks to ensure email addresses correspond to active inboxes.

Spam complaints could equally damage your email campaign performance and deliverability rates. Recipients usually mark emails as spam if they’re too frequent or irrelevant. Email clients typically interpret a spam complaint rate of more than 0.1% as a negative sign, which can harm your marketing efforts. That’s where advanced email verification tools come in – to identify users who mark your emails as spam. This enables you to decide which recipients are worth engaging.

Provides More Accurate Statistics

With email list validation, invalid addresses no longer mess up your email campaign statistics. Getting accurate and trustworthy reports is challenging when half of your emails are never delivered. Such flawed data can reflect failed or ineffective email campaigns, rendering your statistics unreliable.

Verifying the email addresses in your list leaves you with valid recipients with active inboxes. Legitimate subscribers perform genuine actions. As a result, you can collect reliable data, helping you to tailor future messages more effectively.

Keeps Your Email Engagement High

Why should you care about engagement rates? Whether you have a sales offer or announcement about a new product, you want your recipients to respond and act on your prompts.

After email list validation, only real prospects are left on your lists, and naturally, they’ll be more willing to interact with your communication. Thus, your email engagement rates increase – the open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and other marketing KPIs can grow exponentially.

Clear statistics let you understand customer needs and interests more accurately. Consequently, you’ll be able to manage that data and craft email campaigns tailored to your recipients’ preferences, resulting in even higher engagement. After all, exceptional email campaigns that resonate with your target audience are essential for boosting engagement rates and conversions. 

Final Words

There are tons of reasons your emails could be performing better. Fake and disposable email addresses, inactive accounts, and low-quality recipients are the most common reasons for underperforming email campaigns.

It’s no use having a list populated with hundreds of email addresses if your message doesn’t get across or resonate with your subscribers. Quality beats quantity in terms of mailing list size.

Nowadays, strict rules stop spam emails, protecting users from unwanted messages. From a marketing perspective, it’s essential to invest in a robust list validation tool to maintain a good sender reputation, reduce bounces and spam complaints, and boost your engagement rates. You’ll also be able to save more resources, get more accurate statistics, and optimize your campaigns more effectively. 

Once invalid email addresses are out of the picture, you can quickly and effectively manage large email lists and low-quality subscribers. But most importantly, you’ll have clean lists with engaged and loyal recipients who want to hear everything about your value proposition now and in the future.

Guest Writer
Maria Fintanidou works as a Content Writer for email marketing automation software Moosend. She creates the platform’s Help Articles (FAQs) and oversees the translations in Greek and Spanish. She loves exploring new cultures and ways of thinking through traveling, reading, and language learning.
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