6 Best Data Loss Prevention Strategies | EasyDMARC

6 Best Data Loss Prevention Strategies

6 Min Read
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Data loss has a worldwide cost of $3.92 million. Any organization lacking the diligence to protect its data is at risk of losing it to cyberattackers. Data loss is more than a mere inconvenience; it’s an event that can make or break your company’s future. The only meaningful way to fight such an event is with a robust data loss prevention strategy.

There are many data loss prevention methods, but they have the same goal: To counter and reduce the risks of losing your company data. 

DLP technology is available in two categories: Enterprise DLPs for desktops and servers in a company, and integrated DLPs, which are used to keep secure web gateways, email encryption, and other tools.

Below, we discuss data loss prevention implementation strategies. Keeping your data safe is intrinsically linked to your system’s security. 

We’ll also look at some best practices for data loss prevention. While some require the use of software, the human link can never be discounted. Safe, robust, and effective data handling is vital.

Build a Solid DLP Strategy

Nothing keeps your data safe than a solid DLP strategy. The first step in any data loss prevention strategy is to determine the level of protection your data requires. 

Next, you have to figure out a proper course of action for data access. Some companies opt for complete reports, stating who accesses their data, when it’s accessed, what’s taken, and more.

You can expand your data loss prevention project plan by picking the organizational data that needs to be secured. 

Implement policies indicating where the data should reside and the conditions required to access it, such as multi-factor authentication or special privilege access. Your plan should also include protocols to address hypothetical threats should your data be compromised.

Classify Data and Identify What You Want to Protect

When implementing your data loss prevention strategy, it’s crucial to understand the importance of every piece of company data. All modern companies are data-driven, but not all data has the same relevance. 

Sensitive data needs to be separated, classified, and prioritized. A vital component of a data loss solution is keeping tabs on the data shared with your vendors, partners, and third-party platforms. 

As time goes by, you’ll notice distinct patterns as sensitive data gets stored separately with data loss prevention controls. This data cluster essentially becomes your most valuable asset. Back it up and update it frequently to keep your organization running in the event of a  data breach.

Don’t Collect Unnecessary Data

In modern companies, most data compilation is done via automationAI data-gathering systems hardly disregard anything. 

However, one of the best data loss prevention steps you can learn is that excessive data diminishes your efforts to safeguard your company. You only need data that serves a purpose. 

Don’t let your system collect data just because it’s there. There’s so much storage space available nowadays, no matter what solution you’re using. 

Still, cloud services and servers are limited, and excessive data drives away resources you can use to safeguard your information Minimize your risks by cutting the fat and focusing on the data driving your business.

Besides, the data you collect should be determined by company policies and regulations you implement Not to mention that companies these days are expected to be transparent in privacy issues.

Implement Strong Access Management Practices

One of the top data loss prevention best practices is having access management to prevent data leaks. You can use Access Control Lists (ACL) to review and manage the people who can access online resources in your company, granting custom permissions to your employees. Role allocation under IT management is an excellent data loss prevention method.

It may not sound like much, but keeping your software up to date can boost your security tenfold. Make sure you’re working with updated versions of all software—from operational systems to antivirus. Put the word in with the IT team to manage the patches required to keep your tech working like a well-oiled machine.

Use Anomaly Detection

When planning data loss prevention controls, you need to learn about anomalies. An anomaly is a point that stands out in your data, creating an imbalance in its normal behavior. Anomalies can be outliers that appear non-systematic or a large spike that shows a sudden change from standard patterns. You can face slow drifts or long-term changes in your data.

Modern data loss prevention strategies rely on statistical analysis paired with correlation rules. The data obtained is combined with machine learning procedures and behavioral analytics to identify abnormal behaviors. Once your systems learn the expected behavior of your data, they can detect any suspicious activity that risks data leaks.

Educate your Employees and Test the DLP Strategy

For your data loss prevention project plan to work, you need to enforce it. The best way to make this happen is with education: Schedule classes, seminars, online training, email campaigns, and more. Your employees need to be aware of the risk involved with data leaks to comply with all your security policies.

You can go the extra mile and create a practicing scenario where they apply the DLP strategy step by step to be evaluated. You can also create a group to educate employees on what is data loss prevention. Arrange quarterly meetings to keep your team in the loop with updates about cybersecurity.

Final Thoughts

A good data loss prevention strategy combines technology, controls, regulated access to data, and educated staff. Your company can thrive if you implement a well-structured, centralized DLP program. You have to evaluate the risks and your internal sources of data. Creating an inventory of the data you need helps maintain a streamlined operation.

Keep your data safe with restricted access and control measures that let you see who has access and how it’s used. Be wary of anomalies; use machine learning tools to keep your data safe. Take the time to educate your staff and make sure they understand the stakes in data loss prevention controls and the critical role they play in maintaining the company safe.

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