Why Do MSPs Need to Offer Email Security Services? | EasyDMARC

Why Do MSPs Need to Offer Email Security Services?

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Featured image for Why MSPs Need to Focus on Email Security article. Blue background, with yellow envelope and illustrations of people around it.

Small and medium businesses need managed service providers (MSPs) for cybersecurity and email security services. Not having enough resources for an in-house IT team makes SMBs prone to attacks, which can be fatal for most of them – 70% of small businesses go out of business in a year after a significant data breach.

Email protection is a large component of cybersecurity. As we know, 90+% of all cyberattacks start with email. Thus, MSPs can’t afford to ignore the rampant rise in email scams and attacks. It’s also worth noting that MSPs are excellent targets for hackers because, in most cases, a compromise of a distributed network could cripple a large number of endpoints, wreaking havoc throughout an MSP client network.

Read on to discover why email security services can elevate any MSP offering and what value they can add to MSP clients.

Email Security Solutions Are Crucial to MSPs

There’s a reason why MSPs have become so cybersecurity-centric in recent years. The amount of cyberattacks and scams on businesses has risen dramatically. As a result, it’s become widespread for MSPs to provide cybersecurity and email security services. It’s no longer an option to ignore the increasing frequency of cyber threats. To protect their clients, MSPs must be incredibly skillful with their services.

Cybersecurity is a complex landscape to traverse. It’s constantly adapting, changing, and being torn up and rebuilt. MSPs need to consider all forms of security—especially the one that has seen a massive increase in scams over the years, email.

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MSP Email Protection and Cybersecurity Challenges

Unfortunately, the way MSPs provide their services unintentionally opens doors for cyberattacks of all kinds. More often than not, MSPs have unrestricted access to their clients’ networks, business applications, domain infrastructure, and other software.

This remote administration and access is vital for MSPs to do their job as intended. However, such connections and distributed networks make it more likely that a system vulnerability on an MSP’s side could result in a system-wide cybersecurity incident.

Another vulnerability for MSPs is the open-source applications they use in their day-to-day. This only adds to the risk of compromise from malicious software or network-based attacks.

The cherry on top is that, in most cases, a given MSP only controls part of its clients’ cybersecurity decisions. This makes it harder to mitigate incidents faster and more efficiently.

That said, it’s crucial to set up airtight cybersecurity and email protection for the MSP itself before offering the services to its clients.

Any MSP Should Setup Top-Quality Email Protection

Technically, all businesses should opt for the best email security services to protect themselves from email-borne threats. Still, this is twice as essential for MSPs. Ultimately, these businesses are responsible for their own security and that of their clients.

It’s all about leading by example. Partnering with great email security service providers that offer encryption, email authentication, deliverability services, spam filtering, and other essential email protection features could be the difference between a top-notch service you could use in-house and offer to your clients and keeping the door open for malicious activity in your and your client’s networks.

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For You and Your MSP Clients

Tips to Master the Email Protection Game

Your clients need your expertise in email threat protection, even if they don’t know it yet. You should possess some essential know-how to lead them into the email protection best practices as smoothly as possible. But it’s not only about having the knowledge; it’s about being able to use it.

Here are some advanced tips that’ll boost your expert moves with clients.

Use Advanced Email Security Solutions

There are numerous high-quality services dedicated to offering premium email security services. Still, you must choose a platform that’ll cover all your needs as an MSP. The solution should be flexible enough to grow with your organization, offer proper monitoring and reporting, and automate tedious tasks.

Once you find a service like this, you should stick to it to ensure stability for your client base.

Switch to the Cloud

Businesses are moving to the cloud, taking their email infrastructure there too. Expensive hardware and security gateways are no longer needed, and the benefits of cloud email security services are numerous.

A cloud-based infrastructure allows you to establish a controlled area for fixing any email infrastructure-related issues, directly access it from any device, and keep all the changes organized in one platform. It’s also very convenient to ensure transparency with clients. All you have to do is to give them access to the cloud-based workspace.

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Implement Sandboxing

Sandboxing is another helpful safety measure in the world of email security. While it can be daunting to set up, it’s definitely worth the effort. Sandboxing allows you to have the contents of an email checked in a controlled environment before it even reaches your network.

Sandboxing is one of the only solutions to counteract attacks like zero-day threats and others that don’t require interaction with an email’s contents to spread its infection. Even attacks that don’t need an email to be opened must still reach the network to be effective. If you can prevent that, you nullify the entire incident.

Don’t Postpone Talking to Your Clients About Email Security!

The entire foundation of MSP services is built upon client communication. Maintaining open discussion will help foster trust and transparency about essential things.

Discussing email security issues as plainly as possible is crucial. If you can make the conversation pleasant and devoid of technical details, selling any email security service will be as easy as eating a cake.

Don’t be afraid to recommend changes if your expertise suggests they’re going to work.

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Content Team Lead | EasyDMARC
Hasmik talks about DMARC, email security, and cyberawareness. She finds joy in turning tough technical concepts into approachable and fun articles in plain language.
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