10 Best Practices for Business Email Security for 2022 | EasyDMARC

10 Best Practices for Business Email Security for 2022

7 Min Read

Email is a leading communication tool for businesses around the world. It’s widely used for both internal and external collaboration. Nevertheless, it’s not innately secure and is often spoofed by attackers. 

Cybercriminals actively use email channels to distribute malware, spread viruses, and trick users. According to research by PurpleSec, 66% of malware is installed via malicious email attachments.

On its own, even the best secure email for a small business or megacorporation isn’t enough. Whether an organization is large or small, it still needs to integrate business email security best practices. Another study shows that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses. Hence, hackers threaten businesses regardless of size and type. 

Read on to discover 10 email security best practices for business owners in 2022. You’ll learn how to prevent possible attacks and bypass data vulnerability.

What Are The Best Practices for Business Email Security for 2022?

Although there are numerous strategies to get you the most secure business email, they’re always evolving and bringing new trends. Here are a few things we recommend you keep your eye on in 2022:

  1. Have an anti-virus analysis system upstream of the mailboxes of users to prevent the receipt of infected files.
  2. Activate TLS encryption for exchanges between email servers (from the organization or public) as well as between the user devices and servers hosting the mailboxes.
  3. Don’t expose the mailbox servers to the Internet. Instead, use a relay server dedicated to sending and receiving messages in case the Internet is cut off.
  4. Spam accounts for the majority of email exchanges on the Internet. Deploy an anti-spam service to remove the risk.

Now, let’s explore more business email security best practices, so you can get measurable results with a strategic, consistent, and permanent approach. 

#1: Implement Email Authentication Protocols

Email authentication protocols (DMARC, DKIM, and SPF) are used to authenticate messages sent from a corporate domain. They help prevent phishing, email spoofing, and other cyberthreats. In simple terms, the sending and receiving mail servers talk to each other and double-check protocols in the DNS.

Besides security, enhanced brand trust and improved deliverability rates are major advantages of email authentication protocols.

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#2: Use Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a crucial feature of secure business email. Hackers often steal passwords and login credentials to carry out their attacks. But if everybody in the organization has two- or multi-factor authentication, login details alone aren’t enough for hackers to achieve their goals.

To gain access, cybercriminals need another code, usually sent to you via SMS, a voice call, an email, or a one-time password. If you haven’t already, implement two- or multi-factor authentication to defend against common email security issues for the most secure business email possible.

#3: Detect and Prevent Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are often tricky to identify. Cybercriminals use impersonation tactics to make the message appear legitimate and as convincing as possible. That’s why companies must pay special attention to increasing phishing awareness among their employees. 

Phishing emails are typically disguised as official emails from legitimate service providers. They’re designed to trick recipients into taking certain actions like divulging confidential data, revealing login credentials, or clicking on malicious links.

Cybercriminals use reasons like suspicious login activity on your account, problems with payment settings, new documents, or available updates to execute their phishing scams. But if you’re cautious enough, you’ll notice mistakes in the email address and grammar of the text that makes the message doubtful.

#4: Avoid Accessing Emails Using Public Wi-Fi

Any actions you take using public Wi-Fi can be easily monitored by hackers. Using open-source packet sniffers is enough for them to access your information. Even if you’re connected to public Wi-Fi but haven’t logged into your corporate email, your information is still automatically updated. And this is how you put your account credentials at risk.

Always use a trusted network to log into your corporate email when you’re outside the office. Using mobile data to access work-related information can also make it vulnerable to attacks.

#5: Train Your Staff on Email Security

In an organization, its problems are directly related to all employees․ Training your staff on good business email security practices and why they’re important is crucial in today’s digital age.

Consider implementing phishing awareness and email security protocols to keep your team informed on current threats and modern corporate security policies. Email phishing tactics keep evolving; so it’s essential to stay up to date on new security measures.

#6: Choose Strong Passwords

Once there was a stereotype that a complex password must be as long as possible. Still, if it’s easy to crack, it will, no matter the number of characters. That said, the length of the password is only one aspect of good password hygiene.

Use unrelated words or letter combinations, add a few characters and numbers, and you’ll get a stronger result to secure business email.

#7: Never Use Corporate Email For Personal Matters

Sending personal messages from a corporate email adds to the risk of phishing attacks. To enhance email security best practices for business, avoid using a corporate email outside the scope of its functions. The same applies to personal email accounts. Work-related emails must always be sent from the organizational domain.

Before launching any phishing attack, cybercriminals harvest information online using special tools. A target using a corporate email for personal purposes is vulnerable in an attacker’s eye. It’s easier to implement an attack and spread malware. 

Business email security best practices include dealing with suspicious messages. Often, the link in a cyberattack email displays a recognizable domain name but directs the user to a malicious source. Use the latest antivirus or anti-malware tools to avoid malware installation upon clicking.

Attachments and links are the primary sources of malicious content. If you hover over the actual link and see a different display link, never click on it. Rather check the link by typing it in a new window. 

#9: Regularly Update Your Privacy Settings

Cybercriminals are always cultivating new scam methods. That’s why businesses must regularly update their privacy settings to detect breaches or suspicious activities. If you notice an unauthorized login attempt to your account, consider taking steps to amplify your business email security. 

#10: Don’t Send Business Emails From Unsecured Devices

While outside the office, employees may use personal devices to log into their corporate accounts and send emails. This practice became increasingly common as remote working spiked amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. But a personal computer or another non-work device may lack protection and become easily infected with malware. 

Use your corporate account on work-safe devices and implement advanced email security software. This helps prevent email phishing threats, impersonation, and other malicious cyberattacks.

Final Thoughts

Security enhancements are vital for all business email accounts, but they’re not enough on their own. Email security best practices for business are equally as crucial. Implementing email authentication methods and keeping up with the recommendations above can you protect your company network from cyberthreats.

Cybercriminals are quite skilled at manipulating people. That’s why identifying their tactics and implementing cybersecurity policies is a must for all organizations and their staff.

If you want to learn more about business email security best practices and discover new tips and techniques, keep following our blog.

Content Team Lead | EasyDMARC
Hasmik talks about DMARC, email security, and cyberawareness. She finds joy in turning tough technical concepts into approachable and fun articles in plain language.


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