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Your One-Stop Email Domain Management Platform

Simplify your control, automate your DMARC management, and level up your security teamwork with the smartest DMARC platform.

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Recognized as a Leader by Experts

Compliant with Industry Standards

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The Next-Level Email Domain Management Platform IT Professionals Love

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Analyze Your Domain In One Click

Check if you’re compliant with the new requirements.

Risk Assessment Level: Low

Domains with a low security risk level have minimal or no significant authentication issues, ensuring robust protection against email-based threats, but periodic monitoring is advisable to stay ahead of emerging risks.

Risk Assessment Level: Medium

A medium security risk level signals notable SPF, DKIM, and DMARC issues, posing a potential risk of email spoofing; prompt resolution is recommended to strengthen overall security.

Risk Assessment Level: High

A domain with a high security risk level indicates critical vulnerabilities in SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, posing a severe threat of email impersonation and phishing attacks, necessitating urgent protocol enhancements.

Overall result
DMARC Policy:
Score 0 of 10


Domain-based Message Authentication,
Reporting and Conformance


Sender Policy


Identified Mail


Improve Your Email Security

Discover EasyDMARC's full-service DMARC implementation and management toolbox.

and BIMI Tools

Create, check, or generate DNS records such as DMARC, DKIM, SPF, and BIMI. Use EasyDMARC’s automated and managed solutions to make the process even easier.

Reporting System

Gain full visibility into your outgoing email ecosystem and identify fraudulent emails sent from your domain with EasyDMARC’s AI-powered Aggregate and Failure Reporting.

Phishing URL

AI-powered real-time phishing and fraudulent link detection tool which provides you the real-time results to help you detect if the URL is legitimate or a phishing link.


Speed up your DMARC policy enforcement journey and check your email sending source's compliance with our Email Investigate feature in the shortest time.

Reputation Check

Search your IP and domain in popular blacklists and get detailed information about your IP or domain reputation with IP/Domain Reputation Checker tool.

Smart Alerting

Receive critical security threat information quickly and efficiently, gain awareness of events and act against them in time.

What is Email Phishing?

Globally, 96% of phishing attacks arrive by email. Another 3% are carried out through malicious websites, and just 1% via phone.

At EasyDMARC, we’ve been communicating with more than 40,000 information security and cybersecurity professionals. More than 80% of them state that phishing attacks represent a top security concern.

Download our "Phishing Statistics" report, which includes new data points and insights observed across the global EasyDMARC network during the first six months of 2022.

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Stop BEC Attacks with EasyDMARC

Our mission is to simplify your DMARC journey and help build a safe online environment. It’s one that’s more secure, simple, and reliable for everyone - even in the face of phishing attacks.

Over the years, it has become increasingly easier for phishers to get information and send targeted emails. But as easy as it has become, we want to ensure that it’s even easier for organizations of all sizes and industries to protect their data with EasyDMARC.

Not using EasyDMARC yet?

Register today! Let’s protect your data together!

Join the 83,500+ companies that truck, manage, and level up their email authentication with EasyDMARC

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Talk With A DMARC Engineer

Get in touch with us! We’re here to help and answer any questions regarding your DMARC journey for the best email deliverability.

Use the form to drop us an email. We’d love to hear from you!

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